FALL TRIP 2005: September 24-October 2nd


I planned this trip as a getaway to see some nice autumn color. But I also had another agenda: for a number of years now, I have been looking for a home to buy - a place to which I can retire someday, and I have felt more and more that Bozeman, Montana is the place where I want to end up. So in addition to making plans to wolf watch and hike, I also made an appointment with a realtor. But most of this report concerns my adventures in the Park, so it will be easy to skip parts that you may find boring!

Disclaimer: I am not an expert on wildlife. The tidbits about wolves I include in these report are things I have heard or picked up from folks far more knowlegable than I. If you think I've included anything that is inaccurate or incorrect, I hope you will let me know by e-mailing me here . If you have any other criticisms or suggested changes, please feel free to comment at the same e-dress.

Thanks, as always, to John Uhler, for the Page and for making a home for the Loons; to Ballpark Frank for his tireless planning of hikes that bring such happiness to those of us lacking regular hiking partners; to the many dear people of Yellowstone’s wolfer-community who make me feel so welcome. And to my friend Doug Dance, who has published a marvelous book which you can read about or purchase by clicking here .

And finally, I'd like to explain about Allison. Allison was a shining-light of a woman, the Queen of the Loons and my friend. She passed away suddenly in December of 2003 at the far too young age of 50. Her loving family arranged for her ashes to be scattered on Kite Hill above the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel in June of 2004. Many of us Loons were in attendance at that ceremony. Thus, each time I visit the Park I feel her presence, and I hope always to share my trips with her.


Click here for more about wolves
Click here for more about Yellowstone
Click here for more about Yellowstone's wildlife
Click here for more about Allison
me (in visor) with Allison at the 2001 Loonion

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