DAY ONE - Monday, February 19


I leave Bozeman around 11:30AM. Although we had snow last night, today is supposed to be warmer, perhaps as high as 40.

So far, February has brought more snow to Bozeman and the Park than January did. It has been a mild winter overall, despite some very cold days.

Laurie and Dan are flying in later, so I start my visit with a stay in Gardiner at the Super 8.

For the first time this winter, the rolling hills that border the highway are under snow.

I reach the Entrance Gate and note a few pronghorn still wintering in the area. I wind up the OGR and have my visit with Allison.

On my way to the Nature Trail lot, I pass Doug M who tells me he had Rescue Creek wolves on a carcass near Tower earlier today.

I continue east and join the cars at the Tower lot.

I see Jeremy who tells me the wolves have moved out of sight and that the carcass itself is hidden. I see enough ravens in the area to give me a hint of where to look.

He also mentions that the Project collared 3 Junctions today in the Secret Passage area, so he’s happy.

I see Calvin & Lynette, so I join them and we catch up, sharing our sympathies regarding Chloe. I fill them in on my visit with Becky.

As predicted, the afternoon temperature reaches 40, which is a real switch for those of us accustomed to “normal” February weather in the Park.

On my way back west, I stop at Elk Creek and see quite a few birds in a tree, tipping me off to the likely carcass location.

At the Super 8, I’m transferring my bags from my car to my room, I see a mule deer buck walking through an alleyway between several residences.

I sip my delicious home-made turkey-barley soup in the comfort of my room. I send a short note to Laurie, then hit the sack.

Today I saw: bison, a mule deer buck, elk, pronghorn, ravens and the spirits of Allison, Richard, Jeff and Chloe.

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