DAY THREE - Sunday, March 17


St. Patrick’s Day starts off right when I find neither snow nor frost on the car.

At Round Prairie I stop to listen for howling. Fog makes visibility poor again, but it sure is pretty.

I continue west and scope from Picnic a while, checking the north side where we saw the Shrimps last night. Nope.

On I go, stopping at Slough, Curve and Elk Creek. Nothing anywhere. As I continue to Hellroaring I hear a tentative call from Michael.

He has found some wolves from here, but they are nearly impossible to see, being almost directly below the Overlook. Only three scopes (Taylor, Jeff and Ilona) out of 2 dozen have the right angle, and those are perched precariously on the icy ledge.

Ilona kindly beckons me to her scope and I manage to find sure enough footage to take a peek. I see single black, far below, rolling in the snow. Thank you, Ilona!

I step back from the ledge to confer with Laurie as to what to do next.

Luckily, Doug McLaughlin radios from the Lower lot that he can see wolves from there, starting to move north.

We join him at the Lower lot. This offers not only a safer view but far better! I now see four wolves traveling up a snowy slope to the west. A fifth comes into view: three blacks and two grays.

These are members of the Rescue Creek pack.

Laurie ID’s 1392M (a collared black) – and reminds me we saw him in February romancing Junction 1385F. back in February.

Two of the wolves bed down near a distinctive tree. This tree becomes a good marker later when we attempt to help other visitors see these wolves. A light gray wolf joins these two.

When a bison walks through the area, he displaces all three wolves, which at least makes them easier to see. One begins a walkabout to the north, followed by a romping black (likely a pup following an older sibling).

We learn that the Crew has been watching these wolves since early morning. They have a fresh carcass (out of view, natch) but the wolves themselves had been fairly easy to see until the last hour.

The wolves have all bedded again. My total count is five; four blacks and one gray. I am surprised when I start to notice heat-wave distortion this early in the year.

Around 11:30 I follow Laurie and Dan back to Silver Gate, to help them with various household tasks.

Laurie gets a report late in the day that Junctions were seen at Slough and might have a fresh carcass behind the Marge Simpson tree.

Today I saw: bison, elk, 5 wolves, (Rescue Creek including 1392M) and the spirits of Allison, Richard, Jeff and Chloe.

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