I hear the soft sound of coffee percolating in the kitchen below, that usually serves as my alarm.
But today I roll over and go back to sleep while Maureen and Rick head out as usual. A little later, but long after I've usually seen my first wolf, I get up to join Laurie & Dan for breakfast and a catch-up visit.
Dan starts his winterizing project while Laurie and I chat. It’s a very relaxed and pleasant morning, just as I’d hoped it would be.
Around 10 I start to pack up and at 11 I say my thanks and goodbyes. I end up meeting Maureen and Rick in Round Prairie on their way back.
They tell me I missed a good morning with the Junctions. They got an elk calf south of Long pullout, thus ending their two days of hiding in the trough.
I say so long to Maureen and Rick, wishing them well for the remainder of their visit.
When I reach Long pullout, I find Paul. We chat about the sighting I missed. He saw 907 and all five pups, which makes me happy.
He says they are likely still bedded up in the thick trees, but no longer in view.
I thank him for all his help and go on my way.
Today is the warmest of all, reaching 81 at 12:30! This unusual heat is likely why I have a dearth of sightings on the way back.
When I reach my cozy home in Bozeman, I find it still nice and cool inside.
Today I saw: bison, pronghorn and the spirits of Allison, Richard, Jeff and Chloe