Our last day begins a tad earlier when we set out around 7:30.
We see a "Chloe" bunny hopping across the street. We take it as a good sign.
There is a bit of snow still falling but the OGR is just wet.
As we approach the S Curves lot we see Michael. We pull in and lower the window to check with him when Jeff calls over the radio from Nature Trail.
He’s found the Rescues.
We soon join him in the lot, followed by Michael and his clients. The Rescues are in basically the same place as yesterday, but they are up, not bedded.
They are in the midst of an extended rally, with lots of wagging tails and body-slamming. Next, they let loose with a gorgeous morning howl.
It’s quite beautiful.
They rally a bit more and mill about, stretching and nuzzling. I don’t get a good count but it’s more than I saw yesterday!
Soon the pack sets off to the northwest. More and more emerge from below the hill and from behind the forest until they stretch into a long line. They are such beautiful wolves!
My count grows to 15 (others see 17); mostly blacks plus two grays.
They travel with purpose across the snowy landscape, dipping down unto hollows then re-emerging on the next slope. For a half hour they continue their march; sometimes disappearing completely behind thick trees, only to re-appear on the right end of the forest.
Three or four times we find them again until about 9AM when they enter an even thicker forest.
This time none of us sees them come out the other side.
Michael and Jeff pack up and drive west, hoping to guess where they might re-emerge. The area is just west of the loo lot, so I figure it might be worth it to give the Blacktail Ponds area a try.
But we do not find them again. Instead Jeff tells me he’s just learned that the Mollie’s are in view again in Lamar, feeding on the bison carcass.
Alas, Becky and I don’t have enough time to drive there and back. But we are delighted with our early morning wolf sighting.
For a short visit, this trip has delivered three excellent wolf sightings in as many days.
I credit Chloe and Allison. What a team!
So, off we go west, now headed to Bozeman.
When we get through Gardiner and onto 89, we have snow, ice and blowing snow all the way, so I am relieved that we have plenty of time.
90 is worse, and pretty bad (in my opinion) but we find better conditions on the Bozeman side of the Pass.
And we end up having time to sit down for lunch before we head to the bus stop.
There is weather all over the state, today, but the bus arrives only 15 minutes late.
Becky and I say our goodbyes and she boards the bus back to Missoula.
It’s been a great trip.
Today I saw: bison, a bunny rabbit, elk, pronghorn, 15 Rescue Creek wolves (mostly blacks with two grays)
and the spirits of Allison, Richard, Jeff and Chloe.