Since I began visiting Yellowstone regularly, I have tried to plan trips during the shoulder seaons as well as the more popular times. I had never been to the Park in April and I wanted to try it, given its relative certainty for wolf viewing. Since pups are usually born in early April, the packs tend to localize near their den areas, venturing out for hunts and bringing the food back for the nursing moms. I have still not been to Yellowstone in November, March or at the height of tourist season, from late July to late August.

This trip proved to be full of wolf activity, but far colder than the last several years. Itis good news for the Park that the winter of 2007-2008 was so snowy - a return to the weather pattern of several decades ago, rather than the light snow and drought conditions of the past 10 years. I am not complaining at all since I know the Park needs the moisture. But I can tell you I was glad to have brought all my winter gear, because I needed it!

I am not a wolf or wildlife expert, but an enthusiast, and if you find anything in this report to be wrong or or misleading, feel free to bring it to my attention by e-mailing me at

Due to my heavy workload, I am publishing this report nearly three months late, but I do so in hopes that anyone planning a trip to the Park at this time of year will find things of value to learn from it.

Thanks, as always, to John Uhler for starting it all, and this time to Laurie L for her warm generosity to me.

And finally, a note about Allison and her spirit. Allison was a shining-light of a woman, my friend and the Queen of the Loons. She passed away suddenly in December of 2003. In June of 2004, her loving family arranged for her ashes to be scattered on Kite Hill in Mammoth Hot Springs, where she had worked in her youth. Many of us were in attendance at that ceremony. Thus, each time I visit the Park I feel her presence, and I hope always to share my trips with her.


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me (in visor) with Allison at the 2001 Loonion